Contact Us

Phone: 905-352-2000 (Please leave a message)

Mailing address:
Trinity United Church Box 131, 3 Albert St. W., Hastings, ON K0L 1Y0

As of Feb. 17, 2020: Roseneath United Church address will be:  Roseneath United Church,  11943 County Road 24, Roseneath  ON,  K0K 2X0

Pastoral Charge - Office Administrator

If you have anything to add to the Bulletin, please leave a message at (905) 352-2000 or email at or use the contact form below.

Items received by noon on Wednesday will be included in the following Sunday Bulletin.

Phone messages are checked regularly and forward to Rev. Jamie or others as required.

Hastings & Roseneath Pastoral Charge Contact Form