“Unto us a boy is born! King of all creation, came he to a world forlorn, the Lord of every nation, the Lord of every nation”
(1st verse from 15th Century German Christmas carol)

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” the beginning lyrics of a song recorded by many artists over the years, from Andy Williams to the Muppets. And if you are feeling a little blue at this time of year, it is a song to help pick you back up.
For many it is a wonderful and a wonder filled time of the year. Many people will enjoy bringing and receiving the joy of the season. And it all started because of the birth of special baby. An ordinary birth of a child… An extraordinary birth of one who would be “God-Incarnate”; God in the flesh amongst us. Put a baby into the scenes of our lives and the whole world changes. Announce that a baby is to be born and all the people around you are excited. Have the chance to hold a baby in your arms and your whole mind, body and soul experiences a deep and abiding love. Put the fragility of a new life into your hands and care of a human is uppermost in your thoughts.
New life in a baby, creates so much hope, peace, joy and love in one another for this world.

New life came to the lives of Mary & Joseph many years ago. That new life came in less than ideal circumstances… a foretaste of the challenges that would be part of Jesus’ life. And yet I can imagine the excitement and joy within them, holding this bundle of joy in their arms. It was foretold that this child would be very special… and so he was, as the stories of his life and its history have related to us. New life was born that day, and new life can be born in us, as we join in the recognition of Jesus birth, at Christmas time.

Please accept the greetings of the United Churches of Hastings and Roseneath, for this Advent and Christmas season. My prayer is that new life in Jesus, might be born anew in you this season. Please accept the church’s invitation to worship the “Prince of Peace” this festive time of year.
My prayer is also, that it be for you and yours, “A most wonderful time of the year”
May the peace of God be with you, the love of the Christ Child enfold you, and the nudging of the Holy Spirit inspire you, now and always.

Reverend Jamie York
Hastings Roseneath Pastoral Charge, The United Church of Canada
Office: 905-352-2000 email: Web:

Regular Sunday Worship Services: Trinity Hastings 9:15, Roseneath 11:00
December 21 Sacrament of Holy Communion at both churches
December 24 Christmas Eve services Hastings 6:30 pm Roseneath 8:00 pm