“They shall name him Emmanuel which means, God is with us” (Matthew 1:23)
Predictions of the coming of a child who will be the salvation of the world, swirled around the ancient middle eastern region long before the Christ child was born. It is very imaginable that the world who knew these prophetic ideas, were watching at the birth of every new baby, to wonder if this was the one. So what made the birth of Jesus of Nazareth that special birth of a child who would become for many, “God’s Anointed One”? One of the answers to that question, can be contained in the signs that pointed to Jesus’ birth. And these would have been signs that people would have looked back on and said, “Aha”, this was most certainly the birth that had been predicted. Angels… Dreams… Uncertainty… a betrothed virgin… pregnancy… birth in a manger… clear skies… guiding stars… a heralded arrival. All of these signs pointing to a holy birth of one who would be God’s anointed one, the prince of peace, Emmanuel.
Predictions of the coming Christ child, continue to swirl around our own individual worlds to this very day. How will you receive him this year? My hope and prayer is that you will receive him into a heart that is aching to know God’s presence. Pay attention to and embrace the signs of Christ’s presence in yourself, your loved ones and your neighbours.
It has been two years since we have been able to hold a Christmas Eve worship service in our sanctuaries. We will be worshipping in our churches this Christmas Eve. On behalf of the congregations of Hastings and Roseneath, I invite you to come to worship in the sights and sounds of this Christmas.
May the peace of God be with you, the love of the Christ Child enfold you, and the nudging of the Holy Spirit inspire you, now and always.
Reverend Jamie York,
Hastings Roseneath Pastoral Charge, The United Church of Canada
(Sunday worship, Hastings 9:15 am, Roseneath 11:00 am, unless otherwise advertised)
Holy Communion Fourth Sunday of Advent December 18th at both churches
Christmas Eve worship services December 24th 5:30pm Hastings 7:00pm Roseneath
No worship service on Sunday December 25th.