As we move on into the fall season, there is an itch of new creativity scratching at my soul.

That could be related to the season of the Christian year wanting me to do something different.

That season is “Creation Time”.  The Sundays from September 14th to October 12… Thanksgiving.

A special time in the church year to focus on God’s created order.

We have experienced a summer this year that seemed to be off from the summers we have been experiencing over the last few years. A lot less high humidity warmth, and more rain than usual. Just look around and one can see how everything is still very ‘green’ when usually at this time of year everything is quite ‘brown’.   I for one rather enjoyed this different summer weather.  Cooler evenings made sleeping more restful and less humidity made the summer days easier to frolic in.  And now we are making our way into the fall season when Creation groans herself into shorter days, cooler nights, the shredding of her green trees to colours and then bareness and eventually cold to frost to ice.

Creation time gives us the opportunity to savour some of creation’s beauty that falls upon us at unexpected times… in unexpected ways.  The other day I was travelling on highway 2 near Cobourg and an amazing rainbow appeared out in Lake Ontario.  The wide colour spectrum out in the water made it difficult to wonder if the rainbow was going into, or coming out of the water.  Nonetheless the spectacle was wondrous and made me appreciate a little “creation time” with God. And of course, wondering where the ‘pot o’gold’ was.


Our lives always seem to be filled with hurried busyness and we need to slow down sometimes and “smell the roses” as the old saying goes.  Or maybe we need  ‘to view the rainbow during creation time’  Even Noah took time to do that!

And the title of this blog, “Time to get started” is the creativity part… scratching at my soul. Time to get started at using this web site as one of God’s wonderful tools of creation.

Many blessings,  Rev. Jamie